Sunday, January 11, 2009

Poor pagans?

Poor Indians. Sun-worshipping pagans. Deserving to be rescued. Not just from squalor. But even from mistaken beliefs and faiths? Persisting with them for ever? Yet to be liberated: by the forward looking. Freed from mistaken beliefs and faiths? So think modern minds. How will the saviors do it? By unleashing their own thought processes? Their own new light? How and when? Or is it already being done? In noticeable, and not so visible little ways just now. But rescue and liberation, will it gather speed?

Yet how many thinkers of the west have delved deep into Oriental, even Indian, thought to look for new insights into the secrets of the Universe?

Wordsworth even spoke of pantheism and panentheism. Many others have inquired into life after death: rebirth. Soul force.

1 comment:

  1. It's unfortunate that we in India are importing the worst from the west. An ironic coincidence; fossil fuel our biggest import, and fossils is all we can import if we look to the west for morality or spirituality.
